Contains a list of features, system requirements, and description of the expiration mechanism. Also contains a short code sample to get you started.
Describes the Windows implementation of cryptography and cryptographic providers. Explains how to create, import and export symmetric keys, and encrypt/decrypt data with it.
Explains what a one-way hash function is and its various applications, such as a secure password storage and file identification system.
Certificates and Certificate Stores
Digital certificates are instrumental to asymmetric cryptography, i.e. encryption and signing based on public and private keys. This chapter explains how certificates are stored and organized, and sets the stage for the tour of AspEncrypt's various public-key cryptography functions.
Describes the certificate-based secure email functionality of the AspEncrypt/AspEmail tandem.
Explains how to generate and verify digital signatures.
Describes how to set up your own Certification Authority and issue certificates with the help of AspEncrypt.
XEncrypt - Client-side ActiveX Control
AspEncrypt provides a client-side ActiveX sub-component, XEncrypt, which enables you to perform cryptographic operations on the user machine without jeopardizing the security of the user's private key.
PKCS#7 Signatures and Envelopes
Explains how to generate detached digital signatures and envelopes (encrypted messages) in PKCS#7 format.
Microsoft .NET and AspEncrypt Compatibility
Explains how to use the Microsoft .NET framework to properly decrypt data encrypted by AspEncrypt, and vice versa.
Lists the books featuring AspEncrypt, online reviews, and relevant articles.